Work Package 4:

4D-printing and pioneering

Led by AU



  • To develop smart materials infiltration methodology
  • To assemble LIL-based accurate and rapid nano-materials large volume 4D printing
  • To fabricate nanomaterials for biomedicine and engineering uses


Task 4.1 Infiltration study (led by DFM and EMORY)

R&I activities: (1) investigate various smart materials properties; (2) design experiments and study the effects of surface tension intermolecular/interatomic attraction on smart material infiltration; (3) investigate the ways to reduce the surface tension.

Training activities: gain hands-on experience in various smart materials surface tension reduction techniques.

Task 4.2 Integration and lab settings (led by AU and KIT)

R&I activities: (1) assembling research and innovation outcomes from WPs 1 to 3 to form integrated LIL-based 4Dprinting technologies; (2) modelling the 4D-printing processes; (3) establishing lab settings.

Training activities: (1) develop hands-on experience in technology assembling, skills of modelling and lab setting establishment; (2) seminars and workshops in hosting institutes to introduce all elements of the LIL-based 4D-printing technologies for large volume nanomaterials fabrication.

Task 4.3 4D graphene scaffold fabrication (led by AU)

R&I activities: (1) fabricating the material in the lab settings; (2) evaluating accuracy, efficiency and thickness.

Training activities: (1) gain hands-on experience in nano-material fabrication with the LIL-based 4D-printing technologies developed in the project; (2) developing skills and experience in technology evaluation.

Task 4.4 4D electrode fabrication (led by KIT)

R&I activities: (1) fabricating the material in the lab settings; (2) evaluating accuracy, efficiency and thickness.

Training activities: (1) gain hands-on experience in nano-material fabrication with the LIFT/LIL-based 4D-printing technologies developed in the project; (2) developing skills and experience in technology evaluation.

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